Here i made a batch file which delete all autorun viruses. when u insert a usb or atach any hard disk 1st of
all you open this batch it will delete any type of autorun viruses create a shortcut on your desktop.. now it
easy to use...
this batch will delete all of .com.exe .inf .cmd which are on your drive front page
1st of all move your softwares exe inf files into a folder.. now it save..
jst paste these comands into notepad save as viruskiller.bat
@echo off
title HitMan virus killer
echo warning this will delete all .exe .com .inf .cmd files on ur front page of drive?
echo keep your own files in ur folders. then press enter
attrib -s -h c:\*.inf
attrib -s -h c:\*.com
attrib -s -h c:\*.exe
attrib -s -h c:\*.cmd
del c:\*.inf
del c:\*.exe
del c:\*.com
del c:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h d:\*.inf
attrib -s -h d:\*.com
attrib -s -h d:\*.exe
attrib -s -h d:\*.cmd
del d:\*.inf
del d:\*.exe
del d:\*.com
del d:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h e:\*.inf
attrib -s -h e:\*.com
attrib -s -h e:\*.exe
attrib -s -h e:\*.cmd
del e:\*.inf
del e:\*.exe
del e:\*.com
del e:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h f:\*.inf
attrib -s -h f:\*.com
attrib -s -h f:\*.exe
attrib -s -h f:\*.cmd
del f:\*.inf
del f:\*.exe
del f:\*.com
del f:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h g:\*.inf
attrib -s -h g:\*.com
attrib -s -h g:\*.exe
attrib -s -h g:\*.cmd
del g:\*.inf
del g:\*.exe
del g:\*.com
del g:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h h:\*.inf
attrib -s -h h:\*.com
attrib -s -h h:\*.exe
attrib -s -h h:\*.cmd
del h:\*.inf
del h:\*.exe
del h:\*.com
del h:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h i:\*.inf
attrib -s -h i:\*.com
attrib -s -h i:\*.exe
attrib -s -h i:\*.cmd
del i:\*.inf
del i:\*.exe
del i:\*.com
del i:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h j:\*.inf
attrib -s -h j:\*.com
attrib -s -h j:\*.exe
attrib -s -h j:\*.cmd
del j:\*.inf
del j:\*.exe
del j:\*.com
del j:\*.cmd
all you open this batch it will delete any type of autorun viruses create a shortcut on your desktop.. now it
easy to use...
this batch will delete all of .com.exe .inf .cmd which are on your drive front page
1st of all move your softwares exe inf files into a folder.. now it save..
jst paste these comands into notepad save as viruskiller.bat
@echo off
title HitMan virus killer
echo warning this will delete all .exe .com .inf .cmd files on ur front page of drive?
echo keep your own files in ur folders. then press enter
attrib -s -h c:\*.inf
attrib -s -h c:\*.com
attrib -s -h c:\*.exe
attrib -s -h c:\*.cmd
del c:\*.inf
del c:\*.exe
del c:\*.com
del c:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h d:\*.inf
attrib -s -h d:\*.com
attrib -s -h d:\*.exe
attrib -s -h d:\*.cmd
del d:\*.inf
del d:\*.exe
del d:\*.com
del d:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h e:\*.inf
attrib -s -h e:\*.com
attrib -s -h e:\*.exe
attrib -s -h e:\*.cmd
del e:\*.inf
del e:\*.exe
del e:\*.com
del e:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h f:\*.inf
attrib -s -h f:\*.com
attrib -s -h f:\*.exe
attrib -s -h f:\*.cmd
del f:\*.inf
del f:\*.exe
del f:\*.com
del f:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h g:\*.inf
attrib -s -h g:\*.com
attrib -s -h g:\*.exe
attrib -s -h g:\*.cmd
del g:\*.inf
del g:\*.exe
del g:\*.com
del g:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h h:\*.inf
attrib -s -h h:\*.com
attrib -s -h h:\*.exe
attrib -s -h h:\*.cmd
del h:\*.inf
del h:\*.exe
del h:\*.com
del h:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h i:\*.inf
attrib -s -h i:\*.com
attrib -s -h i:\*.exe
attrib -s -h i:\*.cmd
del i:\*.inf
del i:\*.exe
del i:\*.com
del i:\*.cmd
attrib -s -h j:\*.inf
attrib -s -h j:\*.com
attrib -s -h j:\*.exe
attrib -s -h j:\*.cmd
del j:\*.inf
del j:\*.exe
del j:\*.com
del j:\*.cmd
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