Now you can create various new facebook emoticons: all facebook emoticons on our site are absolutely free to use and no downloads are required. Keep in mind that unfortunately these chat codes won't work in comments or status updates, as facebook doesn't allow them to show up there yet!
Our facebook chat emoticons are all uniques and we often update our site with new content so stay tuned and like our facebook page to receive all the news about the new facebook emoticons we will post. Our facebook emoticons list is really easy to use, in fact all you need to do is copy the corresponding facebook emoticon code.
You can find the code below any emoticons image, and paste it on any facebook chat window or private messages, then hit the Send button and you will see that the code sent will turn in a fantastic facebook emoticon! Don't miss any of our updates: new emoticons for facebook are added every week, so like our facebook page and check it often to find about the new emoticons.
If you like the new facebook emoticons you can also share them with all your friends on your facebook profile!
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat box










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