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Shutdown Windows 8 Automatically at Midnight 2013

Many people like me have to sleep, leaving the computer running. This is not a good thing, but we don't do this intentionally. Now these days I am using Win 8 and in Window 8′s Task Manager I can easily schedule my computer to turn itself off at night, usually midnight when not in use.

Microsoft making windows smarter, so use its smartness for your easiness. This is an excellent feature of Task Manager. This is one of the most popular tools of power users and can be used to schedule almost a limitless number of actions on your system.

Steps To Do:

  1. First of all open Start Menu.
  2. Now search for Schedule tasks.
  3. New window will open, this is Task Scheduler.
  4. Now select Create Task from the Actions banner on the right. 
  5. Give a suitable name to your task, after that click on Triggers.  
  6. Under this select New.
  7. Set up the settings and Click OK.
  8. After all these, click on the Actions tab.
  9. Now select New.
  10. Here simply type shutdown in the Program/script box, after that click OK. 
  11. At last click on the Conditions tab.
  12. Check the box next to Start the task only if the computer is idle for: 
  13. Simply adjust the time intervals and Click OK. 

Note: I wanna say one thing that is your computer will be turned off even if you are not there to initiate the shutdown.


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